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A Letter to My Fifth Floor South Community

Writer's picture: RohitRohit

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

To My Dear Friends

Dear number five, We are here After the break, some new faces, some been here for a year Yet the feel is new, fresh just like umpteen months ago Perhaps, refreshed by all of them bonding over the love for the community, smiling with dear Here's to a renewed bond, one forged by individuals from different countries, cultures that inhabit disparate worlds of thought, strengthened by the goal to grow and work together, communicate, meet new friends and enhance our network
So Here we are, dear number five At the dawn, when I say numerous hi's to my neighbors- We communicate in 'Hi's Something we will laugh at, when we look back in time, just like The half-asleep Hellos and the greetings in the restrooms- Memories etched with Silicon Here's to building strong relations, one where we try to understand other's feelings, provide a safe space to everyone, genuinely care about our floormates, not just because we live in it But because we're Friends and Family
So Here we are again, dear number five At night, when I engage in the most fruitful conversations with my floormates From New York Floods to US Visas and expensive education, Only to be filled with pride When your friend requests you to move to lounge, lest you disturb the sleeping mates Here's to new leaders, who empathize with one and all, understand the problem before reaching to conclusions, Try to understand the cultural differences and then change their views if they feel wrong Or stick with their opinions, no matter what - We all learn from our decisions
Aha! Here we are, dear number five At noon, when your friends discuss the cultural aspects of cleaning edge, And the differences in the usage of water between the east and the west The only winner is us, as we learn to be considerate of others armed with knowledge Here's to better mental health, as we learn to survive the incoming challenges in exams, performances and projects With everyone stressed out, a single smile can change their lives, So bring a smile to your lips, it's magic's as beautiful as a butterfly struggling out of a cocoon
With that smile on face, remind yourself why we here, dear number five In the evenings, when we bump into our friends after a long day of school 'feels fresh to see 'em smiling, albeit stressed after hours of practice 'feels happy seeing friends connect over the hotpot sharing food - as it is meant to be And finally, Here's to a great start to the academic year, a year with more successes to follow, one that will bring more smiles, more memories for us to remember Having brilliant musicians, great artists, actors, scriptwriters, the best graphics designer, amazing thinkers and engineers on our floor, we're privileged, let's bring 'em together
So Here we are again, dear number five Midnight to Morning, planning and joking about Halloween, involving a friend playing dead As another friend comes up with a brilliant script for all of us to act on Halloween, Yes it all started with a potluck, sharing food with others Dear number five, So where will we be Next year, Who knows! but one thing is for sure, it is in our hands Let's shake those hands with each other, Hug and play, making it memorable Before we depart in our separate ways, carrying those memories, looking forward!

Image Credit : Cory Terrell

This poem is about all my fifth floor friends at I-House. Thanks for reading!!! Feel free to leave a comment! Published on Oct 2 2023

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